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R53 Production Week 36 (9/4/06)

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Old 11-09-2006, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by mini_dreams
foomanchu... not rachael here, but can give you lots of recommendations on BA if you want... although it looks like you travel quite a bit, so perhaps you already have/know.

Always could use recommendations. I do travel quite a bit to BA, Rio and points south but would enjoy hearing your picks.

Thanks, Foo
Old 11-09-2006, 09:16 AM
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I wish I knew how to change my own oil...Most places I have called are charging about $90 for an oil change as well.
Old 11-09-2006, 02:16 PM
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This past tank of gas I got 22.4mpg! That's a lot better than the 20mpg I've been getting the past couple of tanks. I guess that's not so bad considering 90% of my driving is city driving in South OC. Hopefully it will continue to get better as I get past break-in. At least things are looking up now!
Old 11-09-2006, 02:28 PM
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foo -

I did spin records a few times in BA. They don't mess around down there, they really like to party! The best one I played at was a club called MINT. Didn't even open the place till like 2am and I went on at "peak time" which was 7am!!
Old 11-09-2006, 03:45 PM
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Hey guys - been away for a couple of weeks so it's good to have caught up on our thread.

Polly only has about 485 miles so far and most of that has been in the past 4 days - she got 22.8 mpg as at the first fill up.

Question for everyone. We have the standard sound system (no HK) - it works just fine for music (I'm an old fogey according to my wife - I like classic rock - went to the Who on Sunday and it was awesome) - anyway, I also like to listen to news talk from time to time and the audio (voice) is very edgy or tinny. Has anybody experienced this?
Old 11-09-2006, 05:39 PM
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Quick update: It's only been a month since I've had my MCS, but I'm loving the black wheels. Much better than the silver S-Lites. I only had the S-Lites on for a day and they were already covered in brake dust. But with black wheels you can't really tell as much when they are dirty. I've only cleaned them once since putting them on, and they still look great. You can only tell if you get up close. Beats having to clean my wheels every weekend! On a related note, I guess its kind of a good thing that I don't have driveway right now to detail in. Otherwise I'd be spending countless hours cleaning my Mini!! My girlfriend already thinks I'm crazy and obsessive But it has been two weeks since my last wash, and my Mini is starting to collect dust, especially in the back. Maybe its time for a wash again this weekend....
Old 11-09-2006, 08:31 PM
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Sorry, non-sequitor here to what we've been posting, but you know what's funny? When here in this thread, I feel totally comfortable calling my car Billy, because you guys kind of went through the birthing canal with me, but in other threads, I feel like a total nerd with a weird attatchment to my car were I to refer it by name . Even though everyone else on NAM is obviously just as obsessed. Just a thought. Guess this is my comfort zone.
Old 11-09-2006, 11:13 PM
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I believe you can set the bass and treble for AM seperate from FM. Just cut the treble back a bit and increase the base. Check out the radio manual in your mini folio.

Hey all
I just posted this over in MINI Talk under Throw Down. I thought you all might get a kick out of it. One of my clients just got a Hummer, so on a lark we decided to have some fun.

Old 11-10-2006, 09:00 AM
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Too funny!

Hi JJ! Kissmys and Minx here! I love the picture! It's hard to not feel smug around the SUV's (or most other cars) when your sporting a MINI. Thank gawd it's nimble enough to get out of there blind spots quickly when needed!

We've been crazed lately and I've been going through tons of Physical Therapy on my bum right shoulder. I'm more inspired (and taxed) than ever, now that I'm driving Minx. Properly "driven" she needs equal strength in both shoulders on those twisties! There's so much to catch up on... I'll address a few comments from the last week's postings here. Just wanted you all to know that Minx has been thinking about Merlin, Moe, Billy, Sassy and the rest of the gang but Kissmys didn't have a clear minded minute until this morning (husband gone steelhead fishing 'til Sunday...)

SO, the KEY thing. Mine is inconsistently "sticky" too. Unnerving. :impatient And I had it programmed to open the windows, etc. I have to hold it down forever to get it to work and if I let go the windows stop opening part way down. Sheesh! My husband says the "chin" trick is a hoax.

CLEAR BRA: The second installation is as bad as the first one, minus the scuff mark on the inside. Uneven, a weird 6" long zipper shaped line in the plastic down one side of the bonnet, and tiny bubbles here and there (wasn't that a song?) I'm going to try to get MINI to give me my money back so I can get it done properly here at home.

MILEAGE: Presently, in town I'm getting around 23 MPG, while on the freeway Minx gets 32. She has about 1050 miles on her, so before the weekend is out we'll be ready to really rock and roll! My new PT is in Sonoma, so I have a grand, twisty road ride between here (Petaluma) and there, three times a week.

SMELL: Minx smells like a mink. A little musky at times and not at all displeasing. It isn't the usual leathery new car smell. But still smells new.

MODS: Call me a fuddy duddy, but I am so happy even with the "pre-break in" power and performance, I'm starting to think why bother with any mods... as a stock car it is awesome! And I don't plan to race her, but will participate in any fun motoring gigs; for the driving pleasure, not to beat any record times. I don't know, we'll see...

DETAILING: I've become a freak. Never ever with any other car did I inspect the grill and front window for bugs nearly every time I pulled into the garage. And never do I leave with Minx for the day without giving her a once over with "ICE", and spiff up all her chrome and debugging her smile.

General comments — I still grin at her everytime I enter the garage. I haven't had my first MINI wave yet and have had several opportunities. Either the "Marin-ites" and Sonoma snobs are too haughty to be bothered, or as someone commented in the past, perhaps they bought off a lot and just don't come from a NAMer's enthusiastic point of view. (I think it is the former... ) On another note, Minx is grinned at by many others, complimented in parking lots by complete strangers that also want to get the full low down on MINIs and challenged on the roads by BMWs, Lexuses (Lexi?), Mercedes and Porsches. Wait 'til I pass 1250. They'll only see a gray/silver streak pass them by!

I plan to give Minx her first full bath this weekend. I understand from earlier posts that "Dawn" is good for stripping the cheap factory wax job which is what I want to do. I want to clay bar and rewax her from head to toe. But my bad arm won't let me do the old fashioned wax with the electric buffer, etc. Does any one know if the liquid (no white residue) Turtle Wax ICE Synthetic Polish is a good product? I bought some when I got TW's detailer. Or, maybe I should wait for hubby's help to do the first major wax with him. Damn this shoulder thing!

Oh, and BONEMAN! I went to see The Who in San Jose this Wednesday night. Still sound great! I especially liked the background videos they played during their opening with "My Generation". Wonderful show.

Later, ya'll! Have a great motoring weekend!
Old 11-11-2006, 02:38 AM
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I am not a detailing freak. I see no sense in the cost of Zaino except for show cars. That is just me and that being said I have used the complete Ice System on Merlin. It is relativley easy to apply (might still be a bit much with your arm). I use it on everything exterior but the glass. I had a bird drop a bomber on Merlin recently. It cleaned right up with the Ice detailer. I have put down two coats of Ice Polish and hope to put on a third coat as my main protection going into winter. I will use Ice Detailer to do the occasional shine up. When Winter weather and time permit I will use polish. I am very pleased with the results. I will not perform my first clay bar on Merlin till spring .
Old 11-11-2006, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by kissmys
I have to hold it down forever to get it to work and if I let go the windows stop opening part way down. Sheesh! My husband says the "chin" trick is a hoax.
I don't know why you guys think this is a hoax as I do it day in and day out and people much like yourselves that I've shown how to do this now do it day in and day out too. Yes, you have to keep the button pressed for "a long time" to get the car to respond properly. You also have to be fairly in the line of sight with the car for the chin trick to work. It will not work around a corner, through the window inside the house/office, even bushes/concrete/signs can block the signal and believe it or not a person (basically a bag of water) can block the signal if they're right in front of you. This is not rocket science folks. You just have to be patient. Take it or leave it. The frustration is yours to own either way. I'm never frustrated by this trick. Good luck.
Old 11-11-2006, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by aiiee
Ultra Slick Poly Wipe Spray Detailer - Anti-Static #425

This is the slickest stuff I've ever used and it is very shiny too! Maker claims "Reduced dust attraction" Get it here: http://www.fk1usa.com/products-consumer.htm
Awesome stuff! Thanks for the tip! I love that there's no static anymore and it holy cow does this stuff shine! It also smells like bubble gum.
Old 11-11-2006, 08:27 AM
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Thanks JJ — I imagine living in Colorado where you have "real winter" would definitely curb anyone's tendencies of becoming obsessed with having their car always clean! And as soon as our rainy season hits I'll probably relax more on the daily buff up before leaving. I am glad you are happy with the ICE system. I'll give the liquid wax a try today if I can.

Gr8Force — I bought the FK Ultra Slick Poly Wipe too! I figured I'd compare it with the ICE Detailer spray but haven't used it yet. I'll try it out after the ICE waxing. I like the idea that the anti-static repels dust somewhat. Each time I drive my daughter to a ranch where she works to trade out for lessons (minimum 3 x's a week), the back end of Minx ends up covered in loose dirt. I'm also wondering if it would help repel some of the brake dust on the wheels. Hmmmm, bubble gum... dubble bubble...

As far as the chin thing goes, I believe you! I'll try again and be more patient. I am so used to the Avalon's key which was so sensitive I could lock or open the doors from inside a building a hundred yards away!

I'll hit the 1250 mark today! AND, if all goes well, I'm meeting a lady at 2:00 who is very interested in buying the Avalon. Hey, JJ — send some of the Druid priest's power my way. I really need to sell it!
Old 11-11-2006, 12:29 PM
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+1 on Ice! I've used it since the day Lil' Blue came home - and it's so easy and so cheap and looks so good, I don't see me doing anything else until I have some swirlies to polish out or whatever... I drove to a MINI meet today with 20 other MINIs- don't know what anyone there uses, but IMHO my shine was as good as anyones - and I haven't polished in 2 weeks - just used the spray detailer every few days as needed. I haven't used Zaino or Prima - but don't see a reason to as long as Ice is doing the trick - but I do have a bottle of Prima Slick on the way just to try it...
Old 11-12-2006, 06:24 PM
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After a weekend at Steve's Auto Clinic, my car is now a totally different car. Decided to get the 15% put on, along with a one-ball and a HAI. All I can say is WOW! Best thing I could have ever done! I love the tone of the one-ball too. Just enough growl, but not too loud. Steve is an amazing guy and was definitely worth the hour drive from South OC. If anyone else wants to get any work done on their Mini, I can't recommend him enough! The guy loves Mini's and simply knows his stuff, very professional. Now to save up for my next mods....
Old 11-12-2006, 06:36 PM
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Hey USC, sounds awesome about your car! What's a one ball? An exhaust? And whats a HAI? Different than a CAI?

Old 11-12-2006, 11:05 PM
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fellow 36 wkers!! Hiiii... I have been working and busy and crazy. I just upgraded my camera, so maybe this week, I can get some new photo's of Sassy. Kissmys, good to hear from you. I too am having some issues with my clear bra. The front started to peel. I need to call and have it replaced. I think I am going to remove my black stripes so I can install a shelby stripe.

JJ, you have some very nice photo's.

Boneman... did I miss some pictures?

Uscfan, steve installed my sport link and koni's. I am very happy with my konis!!
Old 11-13-2006, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by rachaelstarr
Hey USC, sounds awesome about your car! What's a one ball? An exhaust? And whats a HAI? Different than a CAI?

When you get a one-ball, you are getting rid of one side of your stock exhaust by eliminating a muffler. It makes the car breathe a little better and also lowers the tone of the exhaust note a bit, making it slightly louder than stock. For me, I didn't want a really loud exhaust, just one with a slightly deeper tone so the one-ball is perfect in my opinion. All this for a fraction of the cost of a full exhaust. I also decided to leave the 2nd muffler on the car so that it would retain its stock look. Some people take off the 2nd muffler for weight savings.

A hot air intake is one that draws air from the engine compartment, versus a cold air intake that draws air from the outside of the car which is cool compared to the air in the engine. The only reason I switched it out was because Steve assured me that it would be an improvement over the stock airbox. Also, there was another Mini at Steve's at the same time and he was getting his intake replaced with an Alta and gave me his HAI for free.

So much for my warranty... At least I can hear the supercharger whine a lot better now.
Old 11-13-2006, 09:28 AM
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While at Steve's, I also saw Randy from M7's Mini. That thing is amazing. Hands down the nicest Mini I've ever seen. Maybe one day my Mini will look like that...
Old 11-13-2006, 04:42 PM
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I got nothing new, other than a stress crack in the windshield. Grr.
Old 11-13-2006, 05:46 PM
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[quote=climbergirl;1223317]Boneman... did I miss some pictures?

Maybe this coming weekend I'll get around to some new pictures. On Sunday I put the XM antenna inside the standard antenna (lots of how-to posts on NAM). PITA fiddley with my big hands, but I got stubborn and finally got it to work. Must have been some picture with my **** hanging over the edge of the boot with my wife holding my legs down while I reached inside the headliner trying to do up the antenna retaining bolt . Anyway it's done now and no magnetic antenna to scratch Polly's roof.
Old 11-13-2006, 07:42 PM
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I'm set to fly back to Europe this weekend -- might be able to get my plates on Friday and the car on Saturday. I think mine was probably the first W3606 car to make it to the dealership, and will be the last to be picked up. How sad.

Can someone bring me up to speed on just why I'd want a clear bra? Here is fine, and so is email.
Old 11-13-2006, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by MLWagner79
I got nothing new, other than a stress crack in the windshield. Grr.
that sucks!!
Old 11-13-2006, 09:18 PM
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Hit my mark today!

Terrible rainy weather today but great test for the automatic windshield wipers! And coincidentally, I turned the 1250 mark and got an initial thumbs up from the lady that wants to buy my Avalon today. Hopefully everything will come together tomorrow. And as soon as the roads dry up a little, I'm raring to let Minx test her power!

Climbergirl — You've got me seriously considering the Konis. You are the perfect, reliable, before and after tester...

Last edited by kissmys; 11-13-2006 at 09:26 PM. Reason: Repeated...
Old 11-13-2006, 09:19 PM
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Clear bra

Hi Abuzavi! So your MINI will just be newer longer!

As I see it, the main purpose of the clear bra is to prevent small chips in the front end/bonnet area. It really does work. Even though mine wasn't applied "perfectly" (and I will ask for it to be redone), it isn't really at all visible to anyone not knowing it is there and it really does work! I drive on gravel roads 3 x's a week in addition to a lot of highway driving and around town. There isn't a single sign of any marks in the paint. Those little dirt/rock buggers just bounce off!

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