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not-so-rednwhitecooper 12-07-2009 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by ran-o-matic (Post 2931720)
Looks like those threads were merged and locked, unlike this one.

I would say that probably has more to do with the NAMZI regime running in the background. :sly:

Motor On 12-07-2009 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by not-so-rednwhitecooper (Post 2931737)
I would say that probably has more to do with the NAMZI regime running in the background. :sly:

The other threads were combined and locked because they were people claiming to be vendors without agreements in place and they were being disrespectful. Well that means a few guidelines were violated, and they're not allowed to post in such a condition. Same rules that have been in place for years. This is a place where those that need to contact Riss Racing can do so here.

However, I will take the opportunity to remind people that the Site Guidelines do still apply here, including the one about respect:

When posting, both members and vendors must ALWAYS be respectful of fellow members and vendors. Personal attacks, trolling/baiting, deliberate antagonizing, and flaming will not be tolerated. If you feel you are being attacked, report the post or private message rather than replying or flaming back. However, do not use the report bad post feature to "cry wolf" when you are in fact the instigator of the demise of a discussion. Doing so will result in an infraction or strike.
And that also includes name-calling of the moderation team.

not-so-rednwhitecooper 12-07-2009 10:49 PM

You don't need to recite rules to me, I've been around here for quite a while, a little longer than you actually.

So you're telling me that even though there are some people with thousands of dollars tied up with this company, and nobody seems to be giving anyone a good answer, you are going to close up threads that might be potentially helpful in getting these people their money back?

Seems to me like you are getting pushed from people above you to lock up threads. These threads aren't even pushing sales, yet trying to stall sales, for a company that may or may not be being run by someone who is pocketing money with no intention of sending merchandise.

This is a place where those that need to contact Riss Racing can do so here.
What if this guy actually is the one stealing the money, and the people who were trying to help are being blocked out over some vendor agreement that shouldn't even be in effect if the company is legitimately robbing customers. It seems you might be responsible if these other fellows were in fact trying to help, and the actions of the moderating team stopped some people from help in getting their money back.

If I was making the call, I would lock up both threads until you guys, the staff, can talk to both sides and try and figure out what is actually going on here. This isn't some bickering between fanbois, this is peoples hard earned money at stake here. Why don't you PayPal me $1200 and then try and put yourself in the shoes of some of Riss Racing's customers.

You know it nothing personal, Drew. My comment wasn't aimed at you guys as much as it was the people above you, the IB staffers who are probably calling the shots in the end.

M3This 12-08-2009 10:44 AM

I wanted to post in here as Im as confused about all this as everyone else.

I have always stood up for Riss as I believed they where a great group of guys and all these stories put me on the fence of who to believe.

I must point out a couple of things thou that I have noticed.

1) Anthony said the parts where made in China. Adam said they where made in CA. When I had my car there for them to develop the downpipe and exhaust and I picked the car up Anthony showed me the prototypes and he showed me the jigs. So I can verify what Adam said about them having their own jigs. Also Anthony told me everything was welded in Fullerton at the time.

2) Since Adam took over its appears everyone is now receiving their orders. A friend of mine here in Vegas had a order in with them for months and got his parts last Friday. Now I don't know what this means, but I would think its a good sign.

Like I said I had I good working relationship with Anthony so its natural for me to want to believe him the most, yet what I have observed so far seems to side more with Adam.

Just my 2 cents

jproz 12-08-2009 12:14 PM

Great post, Kris.

The fact of the matter is simple: while I want to give anyone and everyone the benefit of the doubt, if Adam controls the product and the payment systems, regardless of whether he is the angel or the crook, his voice is the one that matters as he's the one that apparently is in "power" and has the ability to get stuff done. This is further implied given Anthony stated he hasn't been to the office in 2 weeks or something.

I don't have any ill will to either of them... as long as the house gets put in order and Riss's customers are taken care of.

I guess many of us will have to wait and see. If he does pull through this, I'm sure many will vouch for him for years to come. If he doesn't, well ... I'd like to stay positive.

Further, not-so-rednwhitecooper, you are also in the right. Having said that, I'm not terribly impressed with all the spamming happening from people not in control of product or payment. Sure, they may be critical components to the business, but lets be honest... there are plenty of fabricators, business specialists, automotive techs and enthusiasts, etc out there (especially in SoCal)... everyone is replaceable (and in this economy, cheaply). Simply, I feel your pain but at the same time, I wish there was actually even more moderation being done... There is more garbage in these threads than actual information. Then again, that's me... to each their own.

Finally ... I've heard about product shipping and refunds being issued. So at least things are heading in the right direction. I think the real concern is once existing inventory is depleted, how quickly will new inventory (assuming backorders) will get shipped ... and those of us awaiting "unfinished" product (i.e. 02 sim), how long will that take. I'm less concerned about a programmer/tech moving to oregon in a world of international business, and more concerned about timelines and expectations.

My verbose 2 cents.


Originally Posted by M3This (Post 2932101)
I wanted to post in here as Im as confused about all this as everyone else.

I have always stood up for Riss as I believed they where a great group of guys and all these stories put me on the fence of who to believe.

I must point out a couple of things thou that I have noticed.

1) Anthony said the parts where made in China. Adam said they where made in CA. When I had my car there for them to develop the downpipe and exhaust and I picked the car up Anthony showed me the prototypes and he showed me the jigs. So I can verify what Adam said about them having their own jigs. Also Anthony told me everything was welded in Fullerton at the time.

2) Since Adam took over its appears everyone is now receiving their orders. A friend of mine here in Vegas had a order in with them for months and got his parts last Friday. Now I don't know what this means, but I would think its a good sign.

Like I said I had I good working relationship with Anthony so its natural for me to want to believe him the most, yet what I have observed so far seems to side more with Adam.

Just my 2 cents

M3This 12-09-2009 02:20 PM

I just talked with Daniel and he cleared up a lot of stuff so now I feel like I really can support one side.

Daniel told me that Anthony and Adam saw the company going in different directions. Anthony wanted to develop parts here in the states and have them made state side, Adam on the other hand wanted the company to be more profitable. As a result some stuff was made here and other stuff was made in China. Daniel told me that the stuff made in China had poor fitment and was made with less quality steel. He said the intial group buy orders where made stateside (this is for the downpipes) and then the rest where made over seas. He said the way you can tell is that the US made ones fit perfectly where as the China made ones the 02 sensor hole is in the wrong place and its makes it a ***** to get the O2 sensors in place (which is a issue I had with mine). He told me all the exhaust where made overseas and thats why the mufflers drone, he said the quality isnt there with the muffler and that he even told Adam and Anthony that when he was test fitting all the exhaust that they all very slightly.

Long story short, I believe Anthony and Daniel now and I can see why Anthony and Adam had a falling out as when one person is concerned with quality and the other is about profit it can tear apart a company easily.

inimini2007 12-09-2009 02:43 PM

Action always speak louder than...Words..."The Customer is Always Right"...Many businesses forgot that in this troubled economy...

So..I'm going to spend my hard earned dollars on...Words...The only truth I see is the unsatisfied costumers, who spent thousands on a product that did not meet their expectations...but was told to them by more...Words...

I want to thank those MINI owners, who care about other MINI owners because their...Words...have meaning.:thumbsup:

jproz 12-09-2009 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by M3This (Post 2932895)
I just talked with Daniel and he cleared up a lot of stuff so now I feel like I really can support one side.

Sides are irrelevant; this is no battle... there is no competition for who can outwit who. Product and Payment (and the accompanying Service). That's it.
1. If Product is delivered based on a payment, the transaction is done. The results of that transaction (as with the rankings and feedback on ebay) are public knowledge... just don't be careless to consider everyone an expert because most people are idiots (myself included).
2. If Product hasn't been shipped, expectations need to be set (or reset) and met.
3. If Payment has been made and neither of the above happen in a timely fashion, see #2.
4. Sunk Cost Clause: If you want to bail, call the vendor followed by your credit card company. (For those of you whom don't truly understand what sunk cost is, visit here: )

Whether you all like it or not, you are dealing with a business entity. Sure, we associate this mess with individuals, but its the meeting of each of the personalities that have brought this mess to bear.

I honestly could care less what the lot of them say ... as long as my expectations are set (and, in this case, reset) and then met. For me, that has happened based on some private discussions. I have a timeline associated with my expectations. Should that timeline and the associated expectations be put in default, then I rinse and repeat or bail.

It falls upon each of you whom have invested in this situation to attain the same.

I guess I'm just tired of the he said she said baloney; you can't have your cake and eat it too... placing blame won't get you anywhere.

M3This 12-09-2009 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by jproz (Post 2932922)
I guess I'm just tired of the he said she said baloney; you can't have your cake and eat it too... placing blame won't get you anywhere.

My point is simply I feel like I can make a fair judgment of who was being correct in their story. Simply nothing more.

slinger688 12-09-2009 04:04 PM

Regardless, public in fighting has destroyed the company's reputation.

ThumperMCS 12-09-2009 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by slinger688 (Post 2932954)
Regardless, public in fighting has destroyed the company's reputation.

And that's the public's fault?? :no:

Get your [Riss Racing's] crap together as a company and the public won't fight about it. Pretty simple. As I said in another thread started by Adam...we're all sick of it, the long letters to NAM about how things are going to be better aren't going to do anything.

Let your products and service speak for themselves...again, pretty simple.

MLPearson79 12-09-2009 04:59 PM

And this is why the two threads that were merged and locked were done. *I* did this, not with the push of ANYONE above me, but because both sides had had the opportunity to put their letters out there, and both sides were at the point of spamming with the same post over and over in several topics, including new topics. When there are 15 threads about the same thing going, it makes it EXTREMELY difficult for members to follow the story and keep track of what's going on.

Frankly, I don't care which side is "right" in this whole mess, and frankly, it doesn't matter as long as customers have money and/or product still outstanding. I was merely trying to consolidate the 3 or 4 threads saying the exact same thing, lock down the extras, and keep the conversation going in one place instead of 6. If you can't understand that, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

I think what is probably going to end up happening is that ALL of the threads will be closed, and a new one started so that people can keep track of what is going on.

empire0007 12-09-2009 05:09 PM

Mike wrote:
Hello Adam, hope all is well. I just saw the listing and found out why my phone calls and emails has not been returned. i even made a stop by and shop was closed. I saw the posting after.

I had a question for everyone. I have the RR downpipe and exhaust, but it's so lound inside the cabin. Does anyone have the same issue. I can't talk on the phone while driving due to major deep noise inside the cabin from the exhaust.

Any solutions except changing the muffler??

MLPearson79 12-09-2009 05:33 PM

Thread closed. Please see Trying to reach Riss Racing? Start here.

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