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boognish 11-16-2004 11:59 AM

CVT shudder at "abrupt" stops or "stop-n-go" maneuvers
2003 CVT (May 16 build). Software is V36.X loaded this summer. 21K miles.

Problem (more of a quirk/annoyance than a problem): Driving along...either cold or hot engine, doesn't matter...come to an abrupt stop and the RPMs go very very low, engine shudders BRIEFLY (a second or so) and then recovers, and idle is fine from then on until the light turns green or whatever, and I'm on my merry way.

Also happens if say, I make a quick U-turn into someone's driveway, stop quickly, throw it in reverse, and back out...well, at the moment I "stop quickly" and just before I throw it into reverse, again, the RPMs go very very low, engine shudders, and recovers just as fast. And I'm on my way.

Also, I can just be coming to a normal, slow rolling stop, as to a stop sign, and when the moment the car actually stops, again, brief low RPM, shudder, and recover.

At every instance there is never a complete stall or even the indication that it will stall completely, as it recovers rather fast from the shudder.

This has happened for months, not getting any worse or better...just happens. Again, I have CVT w/ v36.X (don't know the .X version, if there is even any).

Not going to get the V39 installed until March, when the dealer is also going to reprogram for the emissions "recall" (which I hear is basically just a reprogram to V39 that "fixes" the emissions recall).

Any harm in driving it around like this? Any other CVT owners notice the "quick shudder/low RPM at complete stop followed by recovery and smooth idle?"



ChiliCooperMark 11-19-2004 02:22 PM

I've got an August 2003 build CVT. I have experienced what you described a few times...but very rarely...I think the last time was 3 weeks ago, and it was mild and brief.

The software upgrade could help, so why wait until March? I was upgraded to V38 several months ago and really noticed an improvement in the smoothness of the CVT's acceleration from a stop. :smile:

keikilee 11-19-2004 02:56 PM

I've experienced this as well. I was on v36 for the past several months and thought my MINI was OK. HOwever, as soon as I got the latest update (v39?) this week, I've noticed a significant improvement. I haven't had the "shudder" that you are talking about YET since my upgrade, but then again, I've only experienced it intermittently on v36.

J-Didi 11-20-2004 01:18 PM

The only thing i'v e noticed is if i would come to an abrubt stop (agressive driving) the cvt would seem to get "lost" or confused for a second before it figured out i wanted to accelerate again. This would mostly be a problem in manual shift mode.

i think maybe i've learned to anticipate it and manualy gear down in corners or flip it to SD mode. Either way i don't notice it much any more.

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