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Mark 10-22-2007 04:37 PM

Marketplace redo - Feedback
As discussed in the What is wrong here on NAM thread I've purchased some new software in an effort to improve the Marketplace. While I don't feel that its configured yet to go live I am opening it up so that you can try it out. I'd like your feedback on its features, what you see, ways you think it should be configured, additional categories, etc. I may not be able to implement everything you request but I would still like the feedback since often there is more than one way to do something.

Note: since its not launched I'll likely remove all ads once we get it configured as we want and am ready to launch it. Given this don't put in anything that you can't or won't be able to reenter later :wink:

Click here to see and try out the Marketplace

Thanks in advance for the feedback and taking the time to see if we can further improve the marketplace.


Partsman 10-22-2007 04:57 PM

The format looks pretty good.
Is that how it will look on the forums page?

The "super sized" images aren't very big, is that just default and something that can be changed by you(Mark) to actual super sized images?

Mark 10-22-2007 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by gnatster (Post 1818913)
Comments about proposed Marketplace

1. Picture sizes are to small. Even Super Sized it's still not large enough to show detail.

2. I think auctions are a bad idea. Want to auction it off go to ebay, want to sell set a price and sell it.

3. Comments should be allowed. They will need to be moderated to keep the snide comments out.

I gather the permissions are not yet setup so that a member can post at this point. I was looking to see how easy it might be to list an item.

How will those posts where people list a laundry list of items spanning multiple categories be handled.

Should a new thread be created asking for comments on the proposed new Marketplace instead of keeping it in this thread that may not get much visibility now.

The above was copied from the What is wrong here on NAM thread.

Mark 10-22-2007 04:59 PM

Based on Gnatster's feedback I've enable ad creation by registered members of the site and changed the super-sized image width to 600 pixels.


Mark 10-22-2007 05:01 PM

I'll also mention that this software supports seller and buying ratings :thumbsup:


Partsman 10-22-2007 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by gnatster
3. Comments should be allowed. They will need to be moderated to keep the snide comments out.

The only comments that should be allowed are the ones from members that are considering the item. All other ones should be removed.

I also think that comments about seeing the item for less somewhere else should be PM'd to the seller and not posted right in the seller's thread.

PGT 10-22-2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Mark (Post 1819038)
I'll also mention that this software supports seller and buying ratings :thumbsup:



Originally Posted by PARTSMAN (Post 1819054)
The only comments that should be allowed are the ones from members that are considering the item. All other ones should be removed.

although I'm one of the most vocal in the 'anti-grapping' camp, I disagree. Sometimes, sellers aren't very active and buyers have questions. As a member here, I try to put in a good word for the product, the seller, or just answer a question in general if it helps. I see no reason we should discourage this, even though this leaves things open to interpretation and abuse.

Originally Posted by PARTSMAN (Post 1819054)

I also think that comments about seeing the item for less somewhere else should be PM'd to the seller and not posted right in the seller's thread.

here's where I'll probably stick my foot in my mouth. :lol: there was a recent situation where a vendor here was selling some parts in the Marketplace 'on clearance, while supplies last'. Those very parts were on eBay for significantly less direct from the manufacturer. A veteran member posted this as a helpful FYI and the post was summarily deleted, ostensibly for breaking the brand new 'no ebay links' rule. (interestingly, the ebay auction was also pulled by the manufacturer...I bet they got a terse call from the vendor :nod:)

as a seller, I don't want people interfering with my thread in a negative way, but I'm also not out to make a buck. if someone is selling something for double the fair market rate, how do we handle that? my opinion.....caveat emptor...buyer beware. It's a sticky point as I'd want to know about a better deal, but I also understand we're walking a fine line here.

one example from last year....Edge/Haemish posted in a thread of mine trying to be helpful, but it served to tell people not to buy from me. :lol: We discussed it and worked it out, but even a site Admin with the best of intentions can hamper a for sale thread. I told him to close the thread and swore I'd never sell anything on NAM again. Turns out a local member saw that and PM'ed me a month later and was more than happy to buy from me. :cool:

Eric_Rowland 10-22-2007 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819100)
... my opinion.....caveat emptor...buyer beware....

IMO 'caveat emptor' and 'community' really don't go hand in hand.

"Welcome to our community. If you're lucky, you won't get screwed. Oh, you did? Sorry, you should have known better - go somewhere where people might help you out."

As I said before, that's what ebay is for. :nod: :wink:

PGT 10-22-2007 05:55 PM

the flip side is jerks making it a miserable place to try to sell parts. congrats for that accomplishment.

edit - I'd be happy to post examples from my own experience, though I think everybody understands the issue....the tough thing is working out a viable solution

Partsman 10-22-2007 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819100)
although I'm one of the most vocal in the 'anti-grapping' camp, I disagree. Sometimes, sellers aren't very active and buyers have questions. As a member here, I try to put in a good word for the product, the seller, or just answer a question in general if it helps. I see no reason we should discourage this, even though this leaves things open to interpretation and abuse.

I agree that the types of comments you stated above will help buyer and seller, I was even going to state something similar in my post.
Interpretation and abuse, definitely.

Originally Posted by PGT
here's where I'll probably stick my foot in my mouth. :lol: there was a recent situation where a vendor here was selling some parts in the Marketplace 'on clearance, while supplies last'. Those very parts were on eBay for significantly less direct from the manufacturer. A veteran member posted this as a helpful FYI and the post was summarily deleted, ostensibly for breaking the brand new 'no ebay links' rule. (interestingly, the ebay auction was also pulled by the manufacturer...I bet they got a terse call from the vendor :nod:)

as a seller, I don't want people interfering with my thread in a negative way, but I'm also not out to make a buck. if someone is selling something for double the fair market rate, how do we handle that? my opinion.....caveat emptor...buyer beware. It's a sticky point as I'd want to know about a better deal, but I also understand we're walking a fine line here.

one example from last year....Edge/Haemish posted in a thread of mine trying to be helpful, but it served to tell people not to buy from me. :lol: We discussed it and worked it out, but even a site Admin with the best of intentions can hamper a for sale thread. I told him to close the thread and swore I'd never sell anything on NAM again. Turns out a local member saw that and PM'ed me a month later and was more than happy to buy from me. :cool:

Buyer Beware applies everywhere, everyday.
The only difference when it's here on NAM is that for the most part the seller(like yourself) is not trying to make a buck, but trying to clear out the garage or just plain get rid of some stuff to buy new stuff.
What it comes down to is the buyer doing his research on prices new and used, and a lot of times the seller will post the price for the item new from the dealer.

I just don't see any reason for someone to come into a sellers' thread just to state that the item can be had for less somewhere else.
Maybe the seller didn't/doesn't know the going rate for the item, maybe the buyer doesn't know either. If a member feels the need to inform the buyer or seller(or both) that item is overpriced or whatever, then it should be sent in a PM to one or both parties involved.
I feel that it is a lack of respect and common courtesy to train wreck the sellers' thread by posting a lesser price found, right in the thread itself.

Eric_Rowland 10-22-2007 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819149)
the flip side is jerks making it a miserable place to try to sell parts. congrats for that accomplishment...

Is it so miserable that you find it more appealing to sell on Craigslist or Ebay? One can sell there with no fear of feedback. Perhaps I'm just more tolerant of the the peanut gallery.

There are certainly examples of adverse behavior, but that can be said of all forums, no?

Am I the only one who finds it amusing that someone with the location of 'Chief Pot Stirrer' is complaining about pot stirring?:)

PGT 10-22-2007 08:09 PM

it's true of all forums, but it's tolerated here more than any other forum I'm on for some reason. I've actually sold more parts for MINI's on Subaru and Honda forums, craigslist and eBay than here on NAM. True Story.

It's not 'fear of feedback' that's at issue's the purposeful thread grapping and value/price statements that are. Example - I had a brand new set of wheels I put for sale here last spring....a set I waited more than six months to get them and were part of a special production run...only five sets ever made in that size/finish. I had a set of BBS LM's in the garage I was contemplating keeping, so I put up a post to sell the ones that finally came in (for what I paid, which was less than MSRP). I was chastised for selling them for a price close to what Tire Rack sells a generic, stocked version for.

What possible purpose does that type post have here on NAM? If a buyer thinks the Tire Rack option is better, well, by all means buy them there then, I'm not stopping you. Why post in my thread then? What I was selling as not that item. In fact, you couldn't by the item I was selling ANYWHERE but me, so making a value comparison is nothing more than saying "I don't like what you're selling and nobody else should either". That's thread grapping.

PGT 10-22-2007 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by Eric_Rowland (Post 1819411)
Am I the only one who finds it amusing that someone with the location of 'Chief Pot Stirrer' is complaining about pot stirring?:)

pot stirring and thread grapping are different things entirely, I assure you.

Edge 10-22-2007 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819100)
one example from last year....Edge/Haemish posted in a thread of mine trying to be helpful, but it served to tell people not to buy from me. :lol: We discussed it and worked it out, but even a site Admin with the best of intentions can hamper a for sale thread. I told him to close the thread and swore I'd never sell anything on NAM again. Turns out a local member saw that and PM'ed me a month later and was more than happy to buy from me. :cool:

Something to this very day that I still regret, despite my good intentions. :sad: I'm very happy it all worked out in the end for you though. :)

PGT 10-22-2007 08:19 PM

example of what should not be ok on this forum:

Originally Posted by Fausto (Post 1361845)
So what did you pay for them?

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1358473)
$1960 firm (what I paid, plus shipping)

Originally Posted by Fausto (Post 1361651)
Feeler: a hype job leading up to an attempt to sell an item for the same amount paid for by the seller, or way over FMV.

FMV. Let's revisit that!! :wink: Tire Rack now sells the TE37 in a grey color for $2016. Minus valve stems, minus the CF center caps (which easily add another $200). Not to mention, the Time Attack version is a limited production run of which no 16x7's were officially imported (only 15x7's). The 16x7 size is a one off run of 40 pieces of both CE28TA's and TE37TA's (five sets of each). They are so rare the distributor called and asked me if I wanted to resell them to him for his own car, as I have the only new set around. :eek:

So, $1960 for a set of wheels that only has four others like it in the world!! Seems I should have asked for more. No matter! 03Indigo, in his intimate wisdom, told me in no uncertain terms I'd be 'and idjit and therefore dead to him' if I sold them. They'll get tires mounted and go on my car shortly, so as to keep that friendship intact. :lol:

Eric_Rowland 10-22-2007 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by PARTSMAN (Post 1819194)
....I just don't see any reason for someone to come into a sellers' thread just to state that the item can be had for less somewhere else...

As a buyer, I'd find that a valuable input. Especially in the case of a seller selling a used product for the same or more than it can be had for new. A newbie (or even a grizzled veteran) may not be aware of the latest 'deal'. Is the goal to create a MARKETPLACE, or a place for items to be sold at the highest possible amount (aka ebay, if your timing is right.)

Originally Posted by PARTSMAN (Post 1819194)
....Maybe the seller didn't/doesn't know the going rate for the item, maybe the buyer doesn't know either. If a member feels the need to inform the buyer or seller(or both) that item is overpriced or whatever, then it should be sent in a PM to one or both parties involved...

There is no better practical way for someone to inform a prospective buyer of the 'going price' than to post it in the thread. The alternative would be to do a mass PM just in case someone was contemplating the purchase, which of course, is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by PARTSMAN (Post 1819194)
....I feel that it is a lack of respect and common courtesy to train wreck the sellers' thread by posting a lesser price found, right in the thread itself.

Why is it more courteous to allow a buyer to pay more than the going price for a product than it is to inform him/her?
Did you object when a poster informed us of a great deal at discountiredirect? PGT himself took advantage of that info to get a great deal.
Note that IMO just informing people of a lower price does not equate to 'train wrecking' a thread. It most likely just means that the price will be lower. If said price is not high enough for the OP, he can revoke the sale try his luck on ebay.

I'll repeat that if one goal is to create a NAM community, that letting someone pay more than they need to for a product doesn't accomplish that goal. It's nice if a seller can recover more of their original cost rather than less, but it also is fertile ground for arbitrage. While that helps the arbitrager, it does NOT help the community.

Eric_Rowland 10-22-2007 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819432)
pot stirring and thread grapping are different things entirely, I assure you.

Ok, I've even tried the Urban Dictionary, but I still can't find a definition of 'thread grapping' or 'grapping' - can you fill in my knowledge gap?


PGT 10-22-2007 08:31 PM

grap = crap. thread crapping. just what it says... :lol:'s an internet meme that started with 'grap on my tired'

FeedBack 10-22-2007 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819429)
it's true of all forums, but it's tolerated here more than any other forum I'm on for some reason. I've actually sold more parts for MINI's on Subaru and Honda forums, craigslist and eBay than here on NAM. True Story.

It's not 'fear of feedback' that's at issue's the purposeful thread grapping and value/price statements that are.

... Why post in my thread then? What I was selling as not that item. In fact, you couldn't by the item I was selling ANYWHERE but me, so making a value comparison is nothing more than saying "I don't like what you're selling and nobody else should either". That's thread grapping.

I agree with you re: grapping... that may be the biggest single challenge to selling product or services via NAM. Negative reactions to members/vendors engaged in it in the past have driven the offenders away...

What if there was a general understanding that the originator of a "for sale" thread has the authority to request moderator intervention and post trimming. If that privilege is abused, the vendor feedback system would surely get immediate and relevant attention.

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819432)
pot stirring and thread grapping are different things entirely, I assure you.

I think pot stirring is a genetic trait for some....:razz:

gnatster 10-22-2007 09:01 PM

Posts should be allowed. The type and tone need to be kept in check. So what if someone politely posts that at XYZ the same item brand new is $y less. That tells the OP and everyone else the market is lower. Now if the same person comes along posts. "You thief, how can you in good conscience try to sell that used ______ for more then a new one at retail" Well that would have to go, along with the mod sending a note to the offender why. Do it again lose marketplace posting permissions, incl listing, for 10 days, then 30 days then forever. Lot's of us sell parts to make room or finance new parts. We would care about losing the privilege.

As to the ability to setup auctions. Bad idea. Price should always be out in the open allowing the market to be set. It works as a guide for others that want to buy/sell the same or similar item.

The Super Size picture is still to small for details. Place the larger picture elsewhere in the page and make it as large as possible. If server space in the long run is an issue just delete the picture from the server when the listing expires.

PGT 10-22-2007 09:11 PM

why even offer photo hosting on NAM period when there's plenty of free options out there?, photobucket, flickr, etc.

Eric_Rowland 10-22-2007 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819452)
example of what should not be ok on this forum:

FWIW, I agree that "that's not worth it" posts add no value. Especially in the realm of 'limited edition' type products. But then again are those more sacrosanct than was the MC40? As the first guideline says, 'Respect is Key', as it should be across the board.

Mark 10-22-2007 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by PGT (Post 1819577)
why even offer photo hosting on NAM period when there's plenty of free options out there?, photobucket, flickr, etc.

Because some of those services don't always play well with forums. I've seen cases when flickr, detecting that a site like NAM is requesting the image, won't deliver the image..leaving holes in threads. Additionally, regardless of the storage impact, I prefer the photo storage on NAM since its less prone to user deletion...and therefore dropping images that made threads more meaningful. In the case of the marketplace the new software incorporates the ability to easily upload an image so that the description of the product can be more complete. While I know that some used photos in the current marketplace it was a bit more effort.

Also, while everyone's personal gallery has a quota the marketplace is treated as something different and does not do quota enforcement on the images that are uploaded as part of an ad. It does however resize to a max of 600 pixels wide. I can always up this to 800 if needed.


PGT 10-22-2007 09:28 PM

fair enough.

FWIW....Photobucket and others actually cater to forum users, even giving you markup tags and [img] coding for easy control v's into a reply.

Mark 10-22-2007 09:35 PM

Yeah...I've seen that :thumbsup: They've really picked up the ball in the last couple of years feature-wise. I wish that had more of a API to integrate more tightly with as that would really be ideal. Perhaps I should start offering the same thing...we've got more than 12GB and 38,000 images in the NAM galleries now :lol:


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