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Vanwall 07-18-2002 09:36 PM

Took Brooksie in for a coupla minor service things at Brecht MINI. Very efficient, polite and pretty reasonable.

Warranty Problem A.
When I opened the drivers door, the glass seemed to be vibrating more than the passenger's side glass, and was making an intermittent rattling noise - not always, just some times, and only when the door was open.
Brecht tightened up every concievable thing in the door, even tho they couldn't duplicate it in the lab, I mean Service Bay, :wink:. Noise is now pretty much gone, but now I'm hypersensitive to it, so I hear a much quieter version of it. I'll see how it proggresses.

Warranty Problem B.
BMW did not plan on needing high-temp Glue on the Auto shift boot, as I'm sure has been discussed already. Sure 'nuf, So Cal summer has un-sticked it. James at Brecht has ordered a complete replacement, but when it comes in I want it to be a PERMANENT fix, so I'm willing to wait until BMW has it figured out.

My Problem C.
When the Alarm Adam-Henry ( cop-talk ) installed the interior connections, in my work parking lot, the tech must have been sitting low, leaning in to the driver's side footwell area with the door open. He was using his left hand to steady himself by grabbing the plastic A-pillar cover. It is NOT designed for this - he cracked off a big half-moon shaped piece! He knew I wasn't watching at that moment, so he just stuck it back into place! It was so cleanly done, when I went out to sign the ppwrk, I couldn't see it right off. As he was drivin' outta sight, I noticed a bunch of fingerprints on the plastic. My first thought was what else didn't he clean up, so I opened the door, and the piece fell right onto the bonnet! If I'd have had a scoped Remington RIGHT THEN......
Uneffing beleivable! I went in and got the company digital camera, recorded the damage, and e-mailed the Alarm company within 20 minutes. "We're soooooo sorry, sir! Can't imagine how that happened!"
Yeah, right. Well, now they get a bill from me, for time and money.
This was just B4 my big trip to AZ to show her off to the folks. I was real proud to have a chunk of Brooksie held on with clear plastic tape! Ah well, my Dad was used to weirder stuff than that with my old Minis, so he just grinned.

Brecht did this all B4 ten A.M. I had previously ordered the parts from them, so all they did was pop it back on, with some sealer thrown in. Most of the time was spent messing with the door, I guess. I had a good experience at Brecht, which I was kinda expecting - they have a good reputation for service. If only the MINI Sales dept. was an MSRP-kinda place.

Rob in Dago


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