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ewyl 07-30-2006 04:03 AM

Question about MTH tuner files in cooper non's CVT??
Hi, I am new to this forum, what a great site. Should have know that 3 years ago when I first got my 03 cooper....... One question for u guys, is there any fellows got their CVT cooper EUC upgraded? I have read so much about the MTH tuner files which sounds great, but i am so concern about the how the CVT transmission will work with the engine and the software after it has been tuned, hope u guys can help and sorry for my english:razz: ... Thank YOU!!:thumbsup:

dave 07-31-2006 07:51 PM

moved to MTH forum

FUEGO 08-01-2006 08:09 AM

We started with the Standard MTH on my wife's MCC w/CVT and later upgraded to the Tuner version. There aren't many things you can do to the CVT Cooper for go-fast mods without spending major $$ and the CVT will still hold you back. In any case the upgrade to the Tuner version really gave the car more ooomph (technical term). The throttle response is quicker and it seems much smoother than slamming redline, backing off then slamming it again the way it did running stock. The refinement of the DSC was worth it as well since it is much less intrusive.

My wife autocrosses with the BMWCCA, and as a test we've run her car with and without the MTH tuner. She is much happier (and does better) when the MTH is in place. She can definitely tell if I've removed the MTH.

dmh 08-01-2006 05:50 PM

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]A CVT is not like a normal automatic where there are particular points at which torque it should change. We increase the RPM values in relation to the throttle position, therefore one has more revs, hence more power, resulting in higher acceleration.[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

ezrider 08-07-2006 10:48 AM

Hi Ewyl

I had an '03 MCa with the CVT and bought the MTH for it, including the "tranny tweaks". When I originally had the stock dealer SW, I found the car was unsmooth, jerky, and hesitant off the line. Power was not steady and consistent.

After getting the MTH file (at that time, in '04, they did not have "Tuner" files and "Standard" files, I found that the car ran much smoother and seemed to have more power. The CVT seemed to hold lower RPMs for normal driving, but would rev up the engine when I stood on the pedal. I was very happy to have bought the MTH.

Now, I have an '05 MCSa and the improvements are more expensive by almost $400, and the improvement over the latest dealer SW (July '06) is not so noticable. I'm still looking for the 200 hp I'm supposed to get.

So to answer your questions, yes, they do put MTH on a CVT, and even have a tranny patch if you ask for it. But I'm not sure if you will get your money's worth of improvement over the latest dealer patch.

Don H. has said to me (in a PM, which he refuses to make public) that if you want more power, you will have to sacrifice drivability. This is the first time anyone has suggest that tradeoff to me.

too bad you can't try before you buy, isn't it?


dmh 08-07-2006 11:12 AM


"Don H. has said to me (in a PM, which he refuses to make public) that if you want more power, you will have to sacrifice drivability. This is the first time anyone has suggest that tradeoff to me."

First, "pm" stands for Private Message.
Second, I was speaking generally about tuning. At the level you are requesting drivability should actually improve. But it comes at the price of a crispier throttle. My sense it that that is not what you are looking for because you once inquired about improved MPGs. And if that is so, performance tuning might not be right for you. That is what I was addressing.

ezrider 08-07-2006 12:45 PM

I certainly would like better mileage also. I know a man with a Corvette that gets better mileage than my MCSa.

However, that inquiry does not disqualify me from wanting more power too. My experience is that, prior to this latest dealer SW, the official Mini SW has left a lot to be desired in terms of smooth acceleration, efficient use of fuel, and ignition timing. My exhaust pipe is always black with the soot of unburned fuel.

I don't think that improved mileage and better performance are mutually exclusive. When the ECU is properly tuned, you should get the best possible performance and mileage too.

BTW, a PM does not mean that it cannot be referred to in a public post; just not quoted.


dmh 08-07-2006 01:01 PM

I'm not saying that you cannot get better mileage with a tune. My comment is when you get one you will want to drive it hard and thus negate the mileage issue.

ezrider 08-07-2006 01:26 PM

Well Don, I suspect that I'm a bit schizoid like most Mini drivers, in that we want it all. We want good mileage and drivability when we are tooling around town, going to work or to the store, but want to be able to kick those ponies into action when we are on a good winding road or trying to pass someone on the highway. We don't really want to have to make a committment to one mode of driving for all times, and give up the other. If a new Corvette can give 24 mpg in town, and still kick butt when it's stepped on, then why can't we do the same with a supercharged Mini?

Granted they are totally different automobiles, but the issue of docility vs power is not one unique to Minis.


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