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daffodildeb 03-26-2008 01:15 PM

Texas Owners--Front Plate Deletion?
Here's a petition to end the front plate requirement, which has been the bane of so many Texas MINI drivers. If you agree, please sign it, and pass the link around. I'm #18,000.

atn57 03-26-2008 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by daffodildeb (Post 2120890)
Here's a petition to end the front plate requirement, which has been the bane of so many Texas MINI drivers. If you agree, please sign it, and pass the link around. I'm #18,000.

Done but I don't put my front plate on anyways.....:thumbsup:

NashvilleMiniStan 03-26-2008 01:33 PM

I live in TN now and we don't have a front plate, however when I lived in Ohio we did and I never put one on in 6 years. Never go caught nor did I get a ticket.

Fig Faun 03-26-2008 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by atn57 (Post 2120903)
Done but I don't put my front plate on anyways.....:thumbsup:

You're just playing the lottery in terms of finding a cop who'll give you a ticket, then.

I got pulled over for an out of date inspection, and he gave me a second ticket for not having a front license plate.

k-huevo 03-26-2008 01:52 PM

According to the bill shown in post #6 the law has been amended with provisions. I’ve not been able to locate an application form and my local county tax office is not willing to help. If any of you can find the form be sure to share please.

F13rc3dr4g0n 03-26-2008 02:33 PM

signed it... evil cop made me put holes in Coop and I cried when i did it :cry:
but because i had the plate and agreed to screw the plate on right there, i just got a verbal and written warning

dickdavid 03-26-2008 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Hammerette (Post 2121054)
signed it... evil cop made me put holes in Coop and I cried when i did it :cry:
but because i had the plate and agreed to screw the plate on right there, i just got a verbal and written warning

I would have taken the ticket, bought a no-holes plate holder and ask for a dismissal once you show proof of the 'repair'. Most Texas courts will do this.

It's happened to me and a few other folks.

jvanlee1 03-26-2008 03:35 PM

I never used to put them on until I tried to get a Marine Corps base registration sticker. Since California requires a front plate, the Marines wouldn't issue a sticker until I installed the plate.

gjhsu 03-26-2008 08:36 PM

I don't put my front plate on... and I refuse to drill into my car, so if I get a ticket, I'll just have to tape it on there, and show the judge :wink:

noraa 03-26-2008 08:39 PM

whats weird is, my MA said a police officer came into the dealership and told him that you dont need a front plate. This has also happened at my friends store, but my other friend still get pulled over.... so is this a law that is used obeyed by some?

houstonviper1 03-26-2008 09:26 PM

Awesome i just did it, I'm # 18028

RhinoBob 03-26-2008 10:44 PM

Done. But I still plan to get one of those "hole-less" mounting brackets in the mean time. Figure it's just good insurance.

daffodildeb 03-26-2008 11:12 PM

I've known people who have gotten tickets--money tickets, not warnings--for not having a front plate. I remember hearing that if you do not want the dealer to drill the bumper before delivery, you have to sign some sort of waiver. Don't ask me to quote who, what dealer, if Texas, etc. It's been long ago and I just don't remember. It might just be a rumor.

WC50 408 03-26-2008 11:53 PM

I signed it a couple of months ago, most police wont pull you for not having the front plate but it does give them reasonable cause to stop you and check for among otherthings illegal mods, ie exhaust, and to check and see if you had an adult beverage with dinner.

daffodildeb 03-27-2008 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by Gmann2369 (Post 2121998)
I signed it a couple of months ago, most police wont pull you for not having the front plate but it does give them reasonable cause to stop you and check for among otherthings illegal mods, ie exhaust, and to check and see if you had an adult beverage with dinner.

What the other drivers have reported is that they were pulled over for speeding, and this was the icing on the cake. This, of course, in speed trap areas. :mad:

But then again, we all know MINI drivers don't speed, right? So they'd never be pulled over. :lol:

dickdavid 03-27-2008 04:20 AM

Originally Posted by Gmann2369 (Post 2121998)
I signed it a couple of months ago, most police wont pull you for not having the front plate but it does give them reasonable cause to stop you and check for among otherthings illegal mods, ie exhaust, and to check and see if you had an adult beverage with dinner.

I totally agree. It's usually a speed violation that gets you pulled over and the rest is just kicking you when you're down.

rhawth99 03-27-2008 04:43 AM

Having always lived in states that had front license plates, I don't get the fuss about it. But hey, whatever floats your boat! :)

Tymon 03-28-2008 09:51 AM

I drove a Porsche for 6 years with no front license plate.
I only got asked about it once and I popped the bonnet and pulled it out.
Told him I forgot to put it back on after cleaning and I got a warning.
I am considering stashing the mini plate under the passenger seat so I have it handy.


daffodildeb 03-28-2008 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Tymon (Post 2124373)
I drove a Porsche for 6 years with no front license plate.
I only got asked about it once and I popped the bonnet and pulled it out.
Told him I forgot to put it back on after cleaning and I got a warning.
I am considering stashing the mini plate under the passenger seat so I have it handy.


You've been lucky, what can I say? I have friends who haven't been. Who knows why you didn't get caught, but they have? Wife wouldn't give him any that morning? Cleaners ruined his best shirt? The speeder he pulled over smirked?

Life's a gamble. I don't go to Vegas--why bother? I have rotten luck. I also have a front plate on my car, but I wish I didn't have to...

PS. I'd also like to avoid cameras alongside the road.

AstroBlackS 03-28-2008 08:18 PM


Front plates look horrible. They ruin the flow of the car. Most cars are not designed with a front plate in mind, and are just drilled on afterward. No reason whatsoever for it to be a law.

daffodildeb 03-28-2008 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by AstroBlackS (Post 2125316)

Front plates look horrible. They ruin the flow of the car. Most cars are not designed with a front plate in mind, and are just drilled on afterward. No reason whatsoever for it to be a law.

What's the number? It's not a VIN--looks like a production number to me.

The ONLY defense of the front plate I can make (and remember, I started the thread), is that they did stop a kidnapping in progress that a friend of a friend had. I don't know the particulars, but she said someone saw the plate and was able to tell the police what was going on. The friend who told me this is not a fan of front plates, either. I guess there may be a few instances where they might be useful, but if they were statistically that important, I think the 20+ states would reinstate their laws.

nabeshin 03-28-2008 10:33 PM

I need to start or find a petition to end this in my state. I got a written warning for not having it on once.

daffodildeb 03-29-2008 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by nabeshin (Post 2125446)
I need to start or find a petition to end this in my state. I got a written warning for not having it on once.

I'll bet you could use a format similar to this one--you might also check to see if there's one that's already being circulated. I would guess that other car clubs or the internet could help you find out.

Good luck--we've got over 18,000 signatures, and nothing yet! I can't find out how long it's been going on. Also, I found this link--haven't a clue if it will help you, but it was at the bottom of the bottom of the page.

gokartride 03-29-2008 06:24 AM

I can see more compelling reasons for having a front plate than for not, so I'm not in on this one. Fortunately, this is my second MINI that looked better w/ a front plate than without...if it were otherwise I'd perhaps feel differently.

daffodildeb 03-29-2008 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by gokartride (Post 2125636)
I can see more compelling reasons for having a front plate than for not, so I'm not in on this one. Fortunately, this is my second MINI that looked better w/ a front plate than without...if it were otherwise I'd perhaps feel differently.

Please share your reasons with us--I'd really like to know.

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