North American Motoring

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-   7th Annual MINIs on the Dragon (Apr 29 - May 3, 2009) (
-   -   Mountain biking at MOTD 2009 anyone? (

Zipimini 12-09-2008 01:05 PM

Mountain biking at MOTD 2009 anyone?
Hey everyone, just wanted to get this out early. There is some awesome mountain biking opportunities in the mountains at Fontana and also nearby Tsali. Tsali is my favorite. We'll be bringing the bikes!!! Anyone else interested in joining us??

davavd 12-09-2008 02:56 PM

Now you got us thinking. :) Sounds like fun. Tell me more.

Zipimini 12-10-2008 01:23 PM

Hey Davavd!! Fontana Village has a series of trails, but I seem to get lost out there everytime I ride as their trails are not clearly marked. However, the Tsali trails are awesome rides. Tsali is about 10 or so miles away from Fontana and there are a series of 4 trails(Mouse, Thompson, Left and Right). The trails are used by hikers, mtn bikers and horses. The trails are set up to alternate with the horses so we're not using the same trails on a given day. If you've never ridden Tsali, it is a definite!! No way to get lost either. If you can bring your mountain bikes, we can surely hit the trails one or two days. If you want more info on Tsali....hit this link.

We always try to hit these trails when we're in the area.

Hope to see you and your bikes at MOTD!!! :thumbsup:


Zipimini 12-10-2008 01:26 PM

Oh....we normally try to log between 10-15 miles a day on the trails. More if we're feeling froggy. :razz:

davavd 12-10-2008 05:12 PM

That sounds very doable. Being flatlanders, we are leery of beasts who can do 40 miles straight up in one day :lol:. I can't wait!

Zipimini 12-11-2008 08:19 AM

[quote=davavd;2586349]we are leery of beasts who can do 40 miles straight up in one day :lol:. [quote]

LOL...I tend to call those folks 'FREAKS'!!! However the 40 miles in one day has been done before, but not 100% climbing. You'll enjoy Tsali. Nice flowy trails with some super sweet views and decents.

See ya in May!!

The Red Wolf 02-06-2009 04:01 PM

Any plans for an organized group ride on a particular day/time?

Can you share more details of the Tsali trails? I went through the website, but as a novice mountain biker (diehard roadie. . .) I couldn't get a picture for what to expect. Highly technical slow pace/stop and go doesn't do much for me, but steady pace on mountain paths/forest roads sounds great.

davavd 02-07-2009 04:20 AM

"organized"? :eek2: How about semi-organized, or slightly organized.

Zipimini 02-09-2009 09:47 AM

Hey Guys! Haven't thought about anything 'organized' just yet. I'll be registering this weekend and will have a better idea of the events we'll be attending. I'll throw something out there and see if it fits your schedules as well.

Red, Tsali is a very flowy type of a trail. Nothing very technical at all. I think a roadie would be fine if you have some aptitude for manuevering trails. There is one section of rocks by the water that we normally just get off and walk across, but other than that, you should be fine. The scenery around the water is amazing and quite a treat during the ride. If you want to tackle some technical trails, you can always ride the trails there at Fontana. We got lost out there last year and ended up riding back on the road. It's not well marked at all.

I'll let you guys know about a 'semi-organized' ride maybe next week or so.

Stay Tuned!


davavd 03-19-2009 04:40 PM

I can't wait! :impatient::razz:

The Red Wolf 03-27-2009 09:36 AM

Any thoughts yet on a day & time for a group ride? My MOTD schedule is packed :nod: , but maybe 3ish on Friday afternoon or Saturday afternoon would be good.

What does everyone think?

I'm a newbie at mountain biking, but I've gotten excited to try Tsali now!

davavd 03-29-2009 08:24 AM

I had penciled in Friday or Saturday also, but I think 3 sounds a little late in the day to get started. My start time preferences are:
Thur 11-1 (assuming my morning pulley-install gets done)
Fri 10-2
Sat 8-11
I'm figuring this outing will take about 4 hours total. Each day I have something else to get back for.

MoxieMini 03-29-2009 08:26 AM

I'm in!

PS - Any climbing spots out there? I was thinking about bringing my rack, too.

DixonL2 03-30-2009 08:10 AM

Hmmmm.... I can fit the mountain bikes AND the Dragon Draggin' track on top of the trailer...

On a 1-10 scale (1 being "roadies can certainly do it", 10 meaning Hans Rey tried it once and failed"), how are Tsali's trails? I'm not concerned for me, but am bringing my son who's not as technical.

BTW, I'm a diehard roadie as well, I just happen to also really like mountain biking... since 1982...

davavd 03-30-2009 11:26 AM

In Google Earth, you can actually see at least part of the trails. If I knew how to post GE images, I would. I just flew to Tsali Recreation Area, zoomed in and found the trails.

The Red Wolf 03-31-2009 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by davavd (Post 2716558)
My start time preferences are:
Thur 11-1 (assuming my morning pulley-install gets done)
Fri 10-2
Sat 8-11

I vote for Friday- right after the Dragon Parade and Topless on the Dragon. I'm scheduled for the Dillsboro run, but will cancel and would rather go mountain biking.

DixonL2 03-31-2009 05:42 AM

Anyone coming up earlier in the week? Chances are I'll be near Fontana starting the preceding Sunday or Monday...

banzai 04-01-2009 10:52 AM

Those of you novices that are concerned about riding Tsali--don't be. I'm 55, ride an old hardtail, and am in nowhere near the shape I used to be, and I do fine. There a few short hills I sometimes have to walk, but it's well worth it. These trails are acknowledged as some of the best in the eastern US, and you should NOT miss this opportunity to ride them if you are coming to MOTD.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here though is the fact that in the spring the trails can get VERY wet and sloppy. There is a bike wash at the trailhead, and showers at the on-site campground, but come prepared to get dirty.

If you don't have experience riding in sloppy, southern conditions, look around the internet for tips. Here are the 3 I think are most important:

1. Wet tree roots are deceptively slippery, and Tsali has plenty. If you can, avoid hitting them at an angle. If you can't, pull up on the handlebars and let your momentum carry at least the front wheel over, then be prepared for the back wheel to slide along the root a bit as it rolls over. Also, stay at 90 degrees as you roll over them, unless you want to get intimate with the Tsali geography.

2. Discs work well when wet, but if you have cantilever brakes, their performance will be compromised when wet or muddy, and almost non-existent for a minute after running through standing water.

3. Reduce the air in your tire to create a wider, more stable and grippy footprint. Most MTB tires can go down to 40 lbs, or even a little lower in the front. Just remember the handling will be a little more sluggish.

Before making any mods on-site, ask some others just coming off the trail about conditions.

DixonL2 04-01-2009 01:09 PM

banzai: VERY nicely said. Another thing to remember: Waterbottles can get really dirty. Some form of water pack (Camelbak, Hydapak) is preferred. WalMart or Target packs actually work reasonably well for the $.

I have to see how I can get the bikes down...

MoxieMini 04-01-2009 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by DixonL2 (Post 2720409)
banzai: VERY nicely said. Another thing to remember: Waterbottles can get really dirty. Some form of water pack (Camelbak, Hydapak) is preferred. WalMart or Target packs actually work reasonably well for the $.

I have to see how I can get the bikes down...

Check Pricepoint and Nashbar for these items. They have the best prices. :thumbsup:

I'd be willing to bet you could get a Camelbak for about the same price as the el cheapo Wally World stuff.

DixonL2 04-08-2009 07:04 AM

Agreed - I forgot to add the words "in a pinch". There's nothing better than the Camelbak "bite valve"... except when you leave it in the passenger footwell of my old car, and drop a bag on it and it leaks....

davavd 04-08-2009 07:52 AM

or lean against a wall with it on - "how'd my shirt get all wet?"

DixonL2 04-09-2009 04:52 AM

...or when the hose drops down against the front of your shorts, you stop to rest at the top of a hill, and your riding buddies only say "Duude..."

davavd 04-09-2009 10:36 AM

:lol::lol::lol: that's why black is a great color for bike shorts

Zipimini 04-10-2009 06:41 PM

Hey Guys....headed out of town for the but very much looking forward to riding. Banzai gave good descriptions of Tsali.... There are trails right there in Fontana Village, but they are much more technical and hard to follow as the signing sucks. We rode Tsali last year during MOTD and had no issues with the weater. Dry conditions the entire way. I'll check my the schedule I have and let you know when we can ride. The trails alternate with the horses, so depending on when we go will determin which trails we ride. Mouse and Thompson are the best(IMO).

I'll hit you back the week of the 20th!!

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